Dallas Photographer Pop Quiz, Part I

Good morning everyone! It's Aynsley here today on the Dallas photographer blog. Dallas photographer, Jason Kindig, has handed over the reigns to me for a day or two so let’s see how this goes.

To make this Dallas photographer blog extra fun, I figured the best way to start off is with a pop quiz! How long has it been since you heard that? Hang in there with me. There is no need to get nervous. You will not fail a class or get grounded based on the outcome of this quiz. Let’s get started with a five question classic true or false quiz:

True of False Quiz

1.)  You received a very nice mixer as a birthday present. In no time your cakes will be worthy of TV baking competitions. (True / False)

2.)  You went out and bought professional grade golf clubs so you will be hitting the course with the pros in no time. (True / False)

3.)  You purchased a top of the line sewing machine with all of your Christmas cash. You will stop shopping at stores and begin designing and sewing all of your clothes. Project Runway, here you come! (True / False)

4.)  You received a new saw for Christmas. You are now prepared to build custom kitchen cabinetry. (True / False)

5.)  You like photography so you decided it was time to purchase your own professional series digital camera. In no time you will be shooting like a pro! (True / False)

Okay, you finished the quiz! Great job! Now, let’s see what you came up with for each of the questions. If you scored 100% you quickly noticed a trend with all of these questions. The answers to each of the questions above were False.

It is pretty amazing though how many people think that if they buy the top of the line fill-in-the-blank, they will be able to rub shoulders with the pro’s, and quickly I might add.

I am actually guilty of this same thought process as of late. Here is my confession:

My 8-month-old son was born with a full head of hair. So much so that he has a haircut a month to keep him from looking like a shaggy dog.  I figured that it was not worth it to take him to a professional to get his hair cut. Spending money on an 8-month-olds haircut was not really on my radar. So, I decided I would be better off taking matters into my own hands, and that is exactly what I did. I got a great pair of shears and a comb and got down to business. I figured I was a pro with my shears in hand and my Youtube education. Well, I’m an idiot, it is that simple. I finished the haircut and blow-dried his hair feeling as if I could open my own salon. It was at that point that I saw the mess I had created. It was absolutely horrible. The sides poof out and the front is too short and very jagged. I have been told by my family that I am not allowed to cut his hair again. Sometimes, the truth hurts and sometimes it makes your kid look like a hot mess.

I think we are a guilty of this thought process at some point or another. You could be like me and suddenly think you can cut hair. You could purchase a top of the line pan and suddenly believe you cook like a chef at a fine restaurant. No matter what it is just make sure you keep true expectations of yourself.

I will be back here tomorrow to finish this blog series, because tomorrow I want to go into the big misconception of question number five. Guess what folks, buying a top of the line digital camera doesn’t make you a professional… Gasp! See you tomorrow! Then Jason Kindig, a Dallas photographer will be back!


Dallas Photographer Pop Quiz, Part II


Being Ready 'Before The Moment'