5 Common Questions for Commercial Photographers Part II

Dallas Commercial Photographer, Jason Kindig

So yesterday I talked about the 5 questions that are most often asked of me as a Dallas commercial photographer. The first two were "When is the best time to shoot?" and "How long will the shoot take?" There obviously can be a lot of answers to those questions, but basically it comes down to either when will be the best lighting for the look you are trying to achieve or your subject(s) availability. For the amount of time, it all depends on the degree of complexity of the shoot or how fast the client needs it done. Today we go over the final three questions. Here we go!

3. What does retouching include?

Photoshop, a most magical word. I can practically guarantee that any Dallas commercial photographer will hear this 8-letter word at least once at each shoot they do. I know that makes it seem like I'm not the biggest fan of Photoshop, but really I am. That program has been a game-changer ever since it came on the scene, it's just important for people to know that there are limitations. Simply put, there are two levels of retouching: First is basic retouching, such as smoothing skin and fixing blemishes, or removing random small items from a scene, such as vents in a ceiling or electrical outlets. Next is advanced retouching. This includes everything from swapping heads from one person to the next to get the perfect set of expressions, or putting in or taking out specific parts of scenery. For example, I had a great group shot where someone parked their car in the middle of the shot. After several hours of retouching, the car was nowhere to be found So basically, retouching can include almost anything, it's just a matter of how much a client is willing to budget for it. One should also talk to their photographer in Dallas ahead of time to see what kind of retouching may be required for the shot or shots they have in mind.

4. When will the images be ready?

This is a great question. In my experience as a Dallas commercial photographer, most people need images sooner than later. With so much content needing to go online right away, I see a lot of clients who need their content delivered yesterday. The goal for me is to always have proofs available to view in 2-3 days, though sometimes it may take longer depending on my shoot volume. And of course, if someone needs it rushed, I've prepared files onsite and handed off a flash drive so that they can get it uploaded immediately. If you need it yesterday, I will find a way to source a time machine.  

5. How do i get the images?

The last question led perfectly into this. Flash drives are a perfect method, and one of the primary methods I use. The use of DVD's and CD's is falling sharply, you can even see how Apple no longer has DVD drives on their new machines as a perfect example of this. However, people will continue to have USB ports on their computers, so a flash drive is a great method of delivery and you never have to worry about scratching it. The other thing that is all kinds of not going away is the internet, which is my primary delivery system. Clients can access their own private online gallery with password, and download their files in whichever resolution they choose. It's fast and means that they can always access the images anywhere there is an internet connection. 

I hope that these questions were of some help to you as you begin planning your commercial shoot. Make sure to ask your photographer plenty of questions!


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5 Common Questions for Commercial Photographers