Yooz Guys and Gals


See what I did there? You guys are either giggling right now, shaking your heads, or still trying to figure out why I spelled Yooz that way. Well my friend, prepare to be enlightened. 

Yooz is a tech startup that does accounts payable automation. They have offices in France, the UK, and here in the DFW Metroplex. Being a Dallas corporate photographer, they asked me to come capture corporate photography of their team in action. 

In the photography that I do, I am really focused on capturing the moment. Whether it’s candid happenings at an event, or portraits, I’m always looking for the exact timing to line up for a great image. Shooting corporate photography in Dallas like this is certainly no exception. I started out as a photojournalist, where the pursuit of moments were everything, so this was a pretty natural bridge for me. There is a big difference though in the work that I do today. Instead of moving around and waiting for things to happen naturally, and hope that they actually do, I now incorporate that timing with coaching. I know a lot of people are nervous as they don’t know what to do when photography starts. Let me assure you, I’m here to be your Dallas corporate photographer, but also your coach, and sometimes even your therapist. I charge extra for the latter though…

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I work with all of my clients to make sure they are comfortable and at ease in front of the camera, and won’t just leave you to figure it out. I am working my lighting, moving around to find the angles, but I am also letting people know where they need to be, and encourage different expressions if needed. It also helps that I shoot almost everything tethered, which means connected to a laptop. That way you can check everything onsite and know exactly what you are getting. It also means if someone doesn’t like something, we can change it on the fly and keep going.

This was the exact approach we had for Yooz. We started with a group portrait outside, and I directed everyone so we had a good looking shot that looked relaxed and natural. From there it was back inside to capture everything from sales demos to customer service and team meetings. We even managed to fit in shots of a few of the guys playing video games on their break! As always, I hope you enjoy!


Dallas Event Photography - Are You Ready?!?


Hey Hey, Toro Toro!