Choosing Local Business

Margaritas from Blue Goose. You can get them to go!

Margaritas from Blue Goose. You can get them to go!

It’s pretty clear to see that we are in extraordinary, once in a generation times right now. Rest assured, this blog is not about rehashing what is played morning, noon and night on our tv’s and phones, as I know we all have been glued to it and are aware of the COVID-19 situation and the affects it is having worldwide. 

As a Dallas commercial photographer who is a fellow small business owner, it breaks my heart to see so many small and local businesses struggling to survive right now. There are so many fantastic shops, artisans and restaurants that lost everything overnight, and in trying to do the right thing by containing this virus, the devastation is only set to continue. It’s really hard to watch my fellow business owners struggle to stay afloat after spending so many years and so much blood, sweat and tears to take an idea or concept they had and run with it. 

That’s why, if there is one thing this commercial photographer in Dallas can implore you to do right now, is to shop with your favorite businesses. I know that paychecks and jobs are disappearing, and there is so much insecurity right now financially, but if you have the means, shop small and shop local. 

One of the many beautiful arrangements from Lilium Floral Design in Colleyville

One of the many beautiful arrangements from Lilium Floral Design in Colleyville

Every little bit helps, whether it’s buying a belt or a pack of tacos. Blue Goose, which makes some of the best Tex-Mex in Dallas, even has margaritas to go, which is pretty mind-blowing. Make sure to follow them on Instagram as well; you’ll see plenty of mouth-watering content, including some of my Dallas food photography!

Heck, buy a gift card for when you can get back in, or get something for somebody’s birthday. One of my favorite clients whom I do Dallas commercial photography for, Lilium Floral Design, has customers sending flowers out to others to celebrate, and also to cheer people up. We honestly could all use some of that brightness in our lives right now. 

Also, remember that it doesn’t have to be a huge purchase, anything will be a help and a blessing, and helps go that much further towards keeping the lights on and most importantly, keeping workers employed and able to provide for their families.

So in supporting small business, not only are you helping give them some kind of income in this crazy season, but even more importantly you are giving them the most valuable asset we can have right now: hope. When we lose hope, we lose everything. You can’t stay the course, fight through a season such as this and come out on top if you don’t have hope. 

Stay safe out there guys, stay the course, and don’t lose hope! We will get through this together, we are an incredible and resilient country and everybody can come out of this if we take care of one another. 


It’s Earth Day!


Happy Easter, Y’all!