Look, everyone is loving my new website!

Look, everyone is loving my new website!

You know, timing really is everything. I remember several weeks back seeing how the Coronavirus completely disrupted China, and thought to myself, “That will probably hit the US, I should time it to coincide perfectly with my website relaunch.” Or, perhaps I never saw it coming, and just so happened to finish all of the last details on my new Dallas photography site, launch it and then watch the entire U.S. economy grind to a halt. 

Ironically enough, photography is all about timing, especially in capturing the moments that I love to look for, and man did I crush it on timing this go around. 

I guess the good news is, people have more free time on their hands, unless they are scheduling their day out in 30-minute blocks from sun up to sunset. Let me tell you, with two creatives in this house, the odds of that happening are way beyond slim. 

How everyone is actually viewing my website. Proper social distancing for the win

How everyone is actually viewing my website. Proper social distancing for the win

So for the rest of you who do in fact time to spare, please make sure to check our New! Fresh! Updated! All New! Website! I said new twice, I’m aware, but that’s only to underscore that our revamped site is very new. And fresh.

All of the portfolios have been refreshed with new work, so make sure to go through each one and see what gems I have placed in there for you.

Also, in keeping with my personal creative aesthetic, we worked to make things as simple and clean as possible throughout the site, and make it super easy to navigate. The blog has also been updated, and I will be posting up more regularly now too with tips on how to select photographers, make the most out of your sessions and also share some of my favorite shoots that I’ve been up to recently, but not too recently. #rona

Please make sure to come on in and stay a while, and drop us a line and let me know what you think!


Happy Easter, Y’all!


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